Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The All New Hawkshaw Hawkins


This Particular Baby

The All New Hawkshaw Hawkins
King Records 808

From the back cover: Many people in our organization, including publicity and adverting men, and even at times the artists themselves write these liners (as they are known in the trade) so that you, the public, can become more familiar with the artist that  you are listening too. However, in this case, an exception is being made. I am writing this liner myself.

Some eighteen or nineteen years ago, about six months or so after I had been in the record business, I received a paper audition record from Hawkshaw Hawkins, which at the time anyone could make by going into a booth and dropping in a quarter. It was crudely wrapped and when I opened the package, the paper record was curled to such a degree that I was tempted to throw it away, but some little voice said to me, "Listen to it," and so I did.

Upon listening to the record, I felt that the person of H. H. had a quality and a depth in his voice that was different and definitely unique. I made arrangements to record H. H. in Huntington, W. Va. Upon arriving there, I met a good looking teenager, who introduced himself to me as Hawkshaw Hawkins. I recorded my first four sides with him in Huntington. The radio station that we used was so small that I had to put the bass player in a closet and close the door, because even playing soft in this small room, which was about 7 x 8 feet, it was impossible to hear anything but the bass.

Hawkshaw Hawkins remained at King for over ten years. He then recorded for RCA Victor and for Columbia, but his first love was always King Records and we are happy and proud to have him back.

These 12 sides were recorded in a period of three days in September of 1962. Most of the Country-Western music lovers might get the impression that Hawkshaw Hawkins is an old man – but figure it out – he has not yea reached his 40th birthday. I believe when he is 60, he will have the same quality and same appeal to the young and old as he had 18 years ago.

Lonesome 7-7203
Silver Threads And Golden Needles
Caught In The Middle Of Two Hearts
I'm Beginning To Forget
Let Them Talk
This Particular Baby
Bad News Travels Fast (In Our Town)
Girl Without A Name
Teardrops On Your Letter
Everything Has Changed
Love Died Tonight
In The Shadow Again

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