Sunday, January 14, 2024

Out Of The Blue - Oscar Brand


Will You Go Boom Today

Out Of The Blue
More Air Force Songs By Oscar Brand
With The Roger Wilco Six
Production Supervisor: Jack Hilzman
Engineering: Jack B. Jones
Editing: Mark Abramson
Cover Design: W. S. Harvey
Photography: 3 Lions / Pickow
Elektra EKL-178

The Roger Wilco Six who soar with Oscar in this second recording of Air Force songs include Ted Tyle, Milt Okun, Brad Spinney, Erik Darling, Billy Faier and Bob Harter.

The Flying Fortress
Will You Go Boom Today?
I Learned About Flying From Them
Lee's Hoochie
Air Force Ground Crew
It's A Shame
Pilot's Heaven
Pilot Of Renown
Yankee Dollar
The Prettiest Ship
In Flight Refueling
New Guinea Strafers
Stand To Your Glasses
Our Bomber Flies 10,000 Miles
Airman's Toast

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