Wednesday, January 17, 2024

First Recordings - Leon Kirchner - Lilly / String Quartet No. 2


First Recordings

First Recordings
Leon Kirchner
Lily / String Quartet No. 2
Modern American Music Series 
Produced by Jay David Saks
Engineering: Edward T. Graham, Stanley Tonkel, Raymond Moore, Arthur Kendy
Cover Art and Design: Teresa Alfieri
Photography: Norman Myers from Bruce Coleman Inc.
Columbia M 32740

Lilly (1973)
Conducted by the Composer
Diana Hoagland - Soprano
Columbia Chamber Soloists
Leon Kirchner - Piano
James Buswell - Violin
Nobuko Imai - Viola
Laurence Lesse - Cello
Paul Dunkel - Flute
Allan Vogel - Oboe
Richard Stalzman - Clarinet
Robert Routch - Horn
Alexander Heller - Bassoon
Lorin Hollander - Celesta
Allen Beard - Percussion

String Quartet No. 2 (1958)
Lenox String Quartet
Peter Marsh - Violin I
Delmar Petty's, Colin II
Toby Appel - Viola
Donald McCall - Cello
III–Allegro molto

From the back cover: The Modern American Music Series celebrates the phenomenon of contemporary music that it exists, is continuous and continuously surprising.

No oracle, happily, has ever been able to foresee what art – in the long run – will survive. On the basis of criticism at the moment of birth, most of our great music would have been quietly allowed to die. Performers and audiences have served to nurture new music past its newborn – and in some cases incubator – stages.

Today, when new music is invented more and more for a record-listening as opposed to a concert audience, it falls to the record companies to keep new works alive long enough for them to win a proper judgement. The emblem of the Modern American Music Series on this album signifies the continuing commitment to this purpose by the Masterworks Department of CBS Records. – Thomas Frost and Thomas Z. Shepard, Directors of Masterworks, CBS Records

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