Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Down In Jungle Town - The Yum Yum Kids


Song Of The Nairobi Trio

Down In Jungle Town
The Yum Yum Kids and The MGM Territorial Orchestra
Tamed and Arranged by Richard Wolfe
Chief Talent Consultant: Murray Scheck
Produced by Herb Galewitz
Director of Engineer: Val Valentin
Cover Design: Acy Lehman
Cover Art: Bill Basso / AKM Associates
MGM Records E-4405

Hooray For Captain Spaulding
I Went To The Animal Fair
Mad Dogs And Englishmen
Songs Of The Nairobi Trio
Down In Jungle Town
Napoleon Sailed The Ocean Blue
Tiger Rag
Aba Daba Honeymoon
How To Tell The Wild Animals
Under The Bamboo Tree
Abdul The Bulbul Amir

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