Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Carlos Montoya Recital


Carlos Montoya Recital

Carlos Montoya Recital
Period Records RL 1928

From the back cover: Carlos Montoya is famous both as a guitar soloist and as an accompanist to work-famous dancers such as La Argentina, Argentinita, Escudero, and Teresina. His professional career, begun at the age of fourteen, has taken him on tours across Europe, the Orient, and the Americas. In the United States, he has filled concert halls as large and illustrious as New York's Carnegie Hall, Washington's Constitution Hall, Chicago's Civic Opera, San Francisco's Memorial Opera House, etc. Since 1940, he has spent most of his time in the United States. Critics have been lavish in praise of his style, technique, and sincerity of sentiment. He has been described as "playing on the heart as well as the guitar", "his smallest musical whisper carries the soul of a people in its notes", and "his ten fingers work like one hundred in a breathtaking cataract of Spanish rhythms." – Bernard Lebow

Boléro Malorquin. Castilla. Galicia
Tanguillo; Zambrilla
Variaciones Por Rosa. Allegrias
Solea; Bulerias Por Solea

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