Friday, December 22, 2023

Sweet And Low Down - Jackie Cain & Roy Kral


Wingin' With The Wind

Sweet And Low Down
Jackie Cain And Roy Kral
Barney Kessel appears through the courtesy of Contemporary Records
Cover Photo: William Claxton
Columbia Records CS 8260

Piano - Roy Kral
Bass - Al McKibbon
Drums - Frank Butler
Guitar - Barney Kessel (appears through the courtesy of Contemporary Records)
Vibraphone - Larry Bunker
Alto Sax and Flute - Anthony Ortega

From the back cover: In jazz, as in borsht, there are circuits, and one jazz circuit which would be envied by all jazz players if they knew it is the Jackie & Roy circuit. It is made up of four principal points, namely San Francisco, Los Angeles, Lake Tahoe, and Las Vegas, and the Krals slip from one place to another all year long, resting at home base in Las Vegas in between appearances at the other three, Jazzmen who think life is easy if they snare four weeks in Chicago for Boston should try the Karl circuit once. There the scenery swings like the music.

Jackie and Roy are to be envied for more than geography. They are compatible. Which is why these records offer a thoroughly unique jazz sound. Vocal and instrumental arrangements are inseparable. Both are written by Roy and "felt" as well as performed. The Krals, were among the first to integrate vocal sounds with instrumental in jazz. Their accomplishment is still unique chiefly, I think, because they both like instrumental jazz, because they perform as jazz players. (Roy, in fact, does play piano throughout this album.)

In this album, as is their custom, the Krals have chosen their material from the masters. Three of the songs are by the Gershwins, including the title song, a thirty-five-year-old gem many of you will be hearing for the first time here. 'S Wonderful and They Can't Take That Away From Me are fresh all over again dressed in this delightful sound. In addition, Jackie and Roy sing Fred Fischer's familiar Chicago, which is, inf fact, Roy's home town, Rodgers and Hart's Mountain Greenery, Vincent Youmans' Hallelujah!, and Roy's original Wingin' With The Wind. Jackie solos on Cole Porter's Experiment, Living Berlin's Cheek To Cheek, and a wonderful piece called Fun Life from The Nervous Set (Original Cast recording available on OL 5430/OS 2018) by Tommy Wolf and Fran Landesman.

This first Columbia album by Jackie and Roy was recorded on the Oral circuit in Los Angeles. It is a pleasure to welcome them to Columbia's jazz catalog, for Jackie and Roy Karl make music and marriage sound so good. – Irving Townsend

Sweet And Low Down
'S Wonderful
Cheek To Cheek
They Can't Take That Away From Me
Mountain Greenery
Fun Life
Wingin' With The Wind

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