Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Ports Of Paradise - Alfred Newman / Ken Darby


The Enchanted Sea

Ports Of Paradise
The Instruments and Voices of Alfred Newman and Ken Darby
With Soloists: Mavis Rivers, Norma Zimmer and Bill Lee
Produced by Bill Miller
Capitol Records STAO-1147

From the 16 page brochure insert: For the recordings of Port Of Paradise, Capitol took over one of the big Hollywood studio sound stages, whose capacity and acoustics are well-suited to the number and variety of instruments and voices called for in these arrangements. As many as seventy musicians participated in several of the selections.

This big assemblage is used in a variety of ways. The singers, for example, are sometimes divided into two groups, the women's voices occupying a different position from that of the men; at other times they are combined into one large mixed chorus. In "The Enchanted Sea," two sopranos (one left, one right; in the stereo version) sing a wordless obbligato above the rhythmic chanting of the male chorus.

The full concert-size orchestra is heard throughout, except for the brief "Farewell For Just A While," where only guitar and percussion are used to accompany the voices.

The percussion section itself consists of five men, alternately performing on such exotic instruments as tom-toms, boo-bass, Chinese glass, Japanese wind chimes, Hindu tree bells and anklet bells, jawbone, lava rocks (ili-ili) and gourds (ipu) – as well as the more conventional xylophone, vibraphone, marimbas, timpani, gongs, cymbals – and the original bamboo organ recreated from Hawaiian antiquity by Ken Darby in 1950.

All these sounds – from the subtlest individual percussion effect to the thrilling impact of the full ensemble – make Ports Of Paradise an unusual and vivid aural display, rewarding for its sheer listening pleasure as well as for its evocation of exotic lands.

Also from the 16 page brochure insert: This album has been produced with the cooperation of the Matson Navigation Company, whose luxurious passenger liners are regular caters at the Ports of Paradise. The itinerary of Matson's modern sister ship, the S.S. Mariposa and S.S. Monterey – to New Zealand and Australia by way of Tahiti; return voyage via Fiji, Samoa, And Hawaii – suggested the sequence of musical numbers recorded here. Capitol gratefully acknowledges the help of Matson personnel in assembling many color photos and other material used throughout this brochure.

Also from the 16 page brochure insert: When Mavis Rivers was invited to fill the role of principal guest soloist in this album, she was delighted but just a bit nervous at the prospect. A rapidly rising star with successful recordings and topflight night-club engagements to her credit, Mavis had no need for mike fright or lack of confidence; it was just that she had never before worked in front of such large vocal and orchestral forces. During and after the recording sessions, however, Mavis was jubilant – and bursting with enthusiasm for the uncommon musicianship of Messrs. Newman and Darby. "A thrilling experience," she termed it.

Mavis is very much at home in the Ports Of Paradise. She was born and raised in Samoa and lived for several years in New Zealand before coming to the United States in the mid-1950's. Thus she brings authority, along with her many wonderful vocal qualities, to the pair of island songs in which she is featured here.

Ports Of Paradise
The Enchanted Sea
Blue Tahitian Moon
Farewell For Just A While
Now Is The Hour
Isa Lei - Mavis Rivers (soloist)
Whispering Wind
My Little Grass Shack - Mavis Rivers (soloist)
Forever More - Norma Zimmer (soloist)
Madonna Of The Flowers - Bill Lee (soloist)
To You Sweetheart, Aloha

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