Friday, December 8, 2023

Music For Glass Harmonica - Bruno Hoffman


Music For Glass Harmonica

Music For Glass Harmonica
Bruno Hoffman - Glass Harmonica
K.H. Ulrich - Flute
Helmut Albers - Oboe
Herbert Anrath, Walters Albers - Violins
Ernst Nippes - Viola
Hans Plumacher - Cello
Gert Nose - Bass
Mastering: Rudolph Van Gelder
VOX STDL 501.110

From the inside cover (gatefold): Burno Hoffmann, who has done more than any man living to revive the fascinating eightieth-century art of "glass music," was born at Stuttgart, Germany, 15 September 1913. The son of a church-music director, he attended the Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnsium and was trined in piano and organ playing. But from the early age of sixteen, when he first encountered musical glasses, his life has been devoted to mastering their executant technique, resurrecting the masterpieces originally written in this medium, and fostering the composition of new works by contemporary composers. He is the authority chosen to write the article on the Glasharmonka in German encyclopedia  Musik In Geschichte And Gegenwart. The glass harp on which he performs is of his own design and construction, and with it he has appeared in recitals and as soloist in chamber and orchestral concepts all over the continent and the British Isles, in innumerable radio and television broadcasts, in several films – including a Benjamin Franklin documentary.

   Adagio and Rondo in C Minor, K.617
   Adagio in C, K.617a
J.F. Reichardt
   Rondeau for Glass Harmonica
   String Quartet and Double Bass in B-flat Major
Karl Leopold Rollig
   Quintet for Glass Harmonica and Strings Quartet in C Minor
Johana Abraham Peter Schulz
   Largo in C Minor
Johann Gottlieb Naumann
   Quartet for Glass Harmonia, Flute, Viola and Cello in C Major

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