Sunday, December 31, 2023

Jack de Mello Plays The Music Of Kui Lee


I'll Remember You

Jack de Mello Plays The Music Of Kui Lee
Music Of Polynesia MPS-2000

From the back cover: I remember Kui Lee... the warm humanity of the man... the brilliance of his creative ability. It is one thing to know a man as a friend but the friendship can take on a deeper and broader dimension when the project of the man's creativity is dissected word by word, note by note and phrase by phrase. I lived intimately for many weeks with the songs in this album and producing the sounds you hear in this collection has been one of the great joys of my life. Kui is no longer with us. His departure from this early plane in December, 1966 shrouded Hawaii with a veil of sadness that shall remain for years to come. But his music is eternal and that is what this is all about. In discussing this album project with Kui in September, 1966, Kuo agreed with the concept enthusiastically and when he heard the album privately for the first time in October, 1966, it was an emotional experience for both of us. I asked him then if he would write a portion of the album liner notes. He agreed and this wheat he wrote: "I write what I feel and jack de Mello feels what I write. We have instant communication both personally and through my music.

"The interpretations in this album are his but his understanding of my music fuses words, music and performance into one as though my songs might have been born that way. Music, like any art form, is impressionistic and can be stated in many different ways just as each painter sees a different set of colors in the landscape.

"Jack de Mello's warm understanding of the people of Hawaii and its music adds a new dimension to my songs. A dimension that reflects our Island heritage. His believer in my music and decision to record a complete album of my songs made me feel both humble and grateful."

I am proud of what Kui wrote and I shall always remember Kui Lee. And I believe that anyone who has heard any of his music performed by any artist or group will forever remember him too. – Jack de Mello

I'll Remember You
One Paddle, Two Paddle
All I Want To Do
The Days Of My Youth
Ain't No Big Thing
Rain, Rain Go Away
Kanoka Pete
She's Gone Again
Going Home
No Other Song

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