Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Guitar Music Of Four Centuries - Oscar Ghiglia


Guitar Music Of Four Centuries

Guitar Music Of Four Centuries
Oscar Ghiglia
Angel STEREO S 36282

From the back cover: Oscar Ghiglia (pronounced "GHEE-lyah" with the hard G) was born at Livorno (Leghorn) on the Tyrrhenian seacoast of Italy, on August 13, 1938. His family environment was an artistic one, his father being a painter and his mother a pianist.

At the age of fourteen, young Ghiglia decided to study classical guitar at the Santa Cecilia Academy in Rome, where he won certificates of honor not only in guitar but in theoretical subjects as well.

Singe 1957 he has been a disciple of the great Spanish guitar master Andrés Segovia and a Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Segovia chose Ghiglia as his assistant for classes at the University of California at Berkeley in the summer of 1964. The young guitarist has also studied with the Venezuelan virtuoso Alirio Díaz.

In 1936 Oscar Ghiglia won first prizes in an International Guitar Contest organized by the French Radio and a completion held at the end of his course at Santiago de Compostela. He has given numerous recitals in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, and during 1964-65 in the USA and Japan.

J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in D Major (transcribed by Andrés Segovia)
Weiss: Fantasia in E Minor (arranged by D. Kennard)
Frecobaldi: Aira con variazioni (La Frescobalda) (transcribed by Andrés Segovia)
Dowland: Fantasia No. 7 in D Minor (transcribed from the lute by Michael Lorimer)
Falla: Hommage á Debussy
Ponce: Sonata No. 3 in D Minor - Allegro moderato/Chanson/Allegro non troppo
Villa-Lobos: Etude No. 11 in E Minor 

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