Monday, November 13, 2023

Mink In Hi-Fi - Monique Van Vooren


It's Au Revoir

Mink In Hi-Fi
Monique Van Vooren
With Skitch Henderson and His Orchestra
RCA Victor LPM-1553

From the back cover: The talents of Monique Van Vooren are bountiful, indeed. Visual they most certainly are. Dramatic they are, too, and intellectual as well. And, as this, her first long-playing album attests, they are also aural.

This is sexy singing (Bed) and also gay (Les Amoureux du Havre). It is moody singing (It's Au Devoir and Le Chanson de rues) and it is singing filled with macabre humor (My Man Is Good). It is singing of Latin charm (Sweet T'Jon) and of deep dramatic impact (My Man and Call Me Again When You're In Town). It is the singing of a very gorgeous, womanly woman whose treatment of her music is as convincing and as varied as are her numerous talents.

Monique Van Vooren first came to America as an exchange student, a college major in philosophy, from Belgium, where she had held her country's figure-skating championship. In New York she impressed the theatrical world as a member of the cast, along with Harry Belafonte and Hermione Gingold, of John Murray Anderson's "Almanac." In Manhattan, London, Las Vegas and many other places she charmed those fortunate enough to hear her in person in the smartest night clubs. And, of course, she has delighted those many more persons who have seen and heard her with Dean Martin in the MGM movie "10,000 Bedrooms."

And now here, with the able assistance of Skitch Henderson and his orchestra, Monique Van Vooren unveils her charm and her unusual vocal talent in a most arresting and impressive display of Mink In Hi-Fi.

Le Rififi
My Man
Sweet T'Jon
It's Au Revoir
Casino Blues
My Man Is Good
Les Amoureux du Havre
Coin de rue
Le Chanson de rues
Sheridan Square
Call Me Again When You're In Town

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I liked your thoughtful analysis. Keep writing—you have a talent for it!


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