Sunday, November 12, 2023

Love Honor And All That Jazz - Martha Wright


Two Sleepy People

Love, Honor And All That Jazz
Martha Wright
Arranged and Conducted by Joe Harnell
Recorded in RCA Victor's Studio B, New York City
Recording Engineer: Ernest Oelrich 
RCA Victor LPM-2096

From the back cover: Fresh out of the University of Washington, Martha Wright auditioned for the national company of "Up In Central Park" and – as a singer in the chorus – toured with it from Seattle to New York. Soon afterwards, she understudied Florence George in the leading role of a Broadway-bound operetta called "Music In My Heart." Miss George fell ill in the last out-of-town stop at Philadelphia and Martha stepped in to make her Broadway debut a starring one. The critics didn't care for the show (although it stayed alive for four months) but they did like Martha.

On June 4, 1951, she replaced Mary Martin in "South Pacific." The critics wrote a new set of reviews and Martha's notices were as glowing as those originally afford Mary. She delighted packed houses for the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic until 1954.

Her smash triumph in "South Pacific" was her "open sesame" to every medium of entertainment. Her appearances at smart supper clubs in New York's St. Regis and Cocoanut Grove assured capacity audiences. She had a 26-week TV show of her own, then sang for a year on a lively daytime TV show headed by a bright young man named Jack Paar. Meanwhile, the was doing (and is still) her own CBS Radio show six days a week besides making guest appearances on the most important of the network TV shows.

The artistry of Martha Wright has rarely been heard to better advantage than in her first RCA Victo album, Love, Honor And All That Jazz, a dozen charming songs about housewives and how they grew. Fro her touching version of The Other Woman to the exuberant No Lover, the album is a striking vocal tour de force of extraordinary warmth, conviction and a sure understanding of some of the most meaningful lyrics you're liable to hear for a long time.

With this subject matter, Martha really knows whereof she sings. She lives in suburban Scarsdale (N.Y.) with her husband, restauranteur Mike Manuche, and their 2 1/2 year old son  Michael. And whether "Life is like this in the suburbs" or not, they couldn't be happier. – Jack Fuller

What Have You Done All Day
The Golf Widow
Little Things Mean A Lot
Beautiful – But Dumb?
Guess Who I Saw Today
The Other Woman
No Lover
A Cottage For Sale
I Can't Give You Anything But Psychology
I Was Too Busy (Motherhood)
Two Sleepy People

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