Sunday, November 5, 2023

Examine Doctors - Mike Nichols & Elaine May


A Little More Gauze

Examine Doctors
Mike Nichols and Elaine May
Edited by Bud Drake
Cover Photo by Richard Avedon
Mercury MG 20680

From the back cover: Mike Nichols and Elaine May Examine Doctors is an outgrowth of their weekly appearances on NBC radio's Monitor show. All the episodes heard here originally appeared on Monitor broadcasts, with the exception of Nichols and May At Work. This is an unedited tape of a Monitor work session, with all the ideas and situations occurring spontaneously and the dialog entirely improvised. It is quite typical of the manner in which they work. Editing is done later to eliminate the breakups and pull together the scenes.

The man who does all this for Nichols and May is NBC producer Bud Drake, whose voice is heard at the opening of this track suggesting that the pair do a doctor spot. Mike's reply that "you can't do anything funny about doctors" proves to be the year's worst prediction, as anyone who listens to this album is likely to agree. – Jack Tracy/Mercury Recording Director

A Little More Gauze
Interrupted Hour
The Von Brauns At Home
Merry Christmas, Doctor
Morning Rounds
Calling Dr. Marx
Thank You Very Much
Out Of Africa
Bedside Manner
Nichola And May At Work

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