Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Horn's Full - Jack Montrose



The Horn's Full
Jack Montrose And All-Stars
Red Norvo
Supervision: Shorty Rogers
Photo by Ben Rose
RCA Victor LPM-1572

Polka Dots And Moonbeams
The Little House
Solid Citizen
Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me
True Blue
The Horn's Full
Goody Goody

Jack Montrose - Saxophone
Red Norvo - Vibes
Barney Kessel - Guitar (Courtesy of Contemporary Records)
Lawrence Wooten - Bass
Mel Lewis - Drums

Dark Angel
Crazy She Calls Me

Jack Montrose - Saxophone
Red Norvo - Vibes
Jim Hall - Guitar
Max Bennett - Bass
Bill Dolney - Drums

From the back cover: First off, I'd tell you – and it is kind of important – that whenever a song appeals to me enough to make me want to write an arrangement of it, then I figure it is an appealing enough melody to remain in its original form. In other words, I don't eve change the melody. I do, however, elaborate on and add color to melodies by adding contrapuntal lines and counter melodies to them – sometimes one, sometimes tow, and in some cases even three when the spirit so demands. 

Second off, there's an important feature in the way my arrangement its turn out. I do not enjoy listening to plays on the harmony parts, and consequently do not like to write them either. That is work, and to my way of thinking, any time a body has to work to write music, it usually cones out sounding that way.

I reckon that these were the two main precepts that were running around in my head when I began working on the music for this album. If the music in general betrays a consistency and uniformity of approach, and I surely hope it does, then these two factors are mainly the reason why.

There is one other thing I would like to mention. When you get a bunch of guys together and there is a lot of sympathy and understanding and good feeling between them, and everyone digs each other, and all are eager and happy and want to play, then you have a definite feeling that some of these goodness is going to come through on a record. That is just what we all wanted to happen, and I believe that is just what did happen here.

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