Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Marvelous Miller Moods - Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band


Pearls On Velvet

Marvelous Miller Moods
Glenn Miller and The Army Air Force Band
RCA Victor LPM-1494

Trombones: Jim Harwood, Johnny Halliburton, Jim Priddy, Larry Hall
Trumpets: Whitey Thomas, Bobby Nichols, Jack Steele, Bernie Privin, Zeke Zarchy
French Horn: Addison Collins
Saxophones: Chuch Gentry, Freddy Guerra, Vince Carbone, Hank Freeman, Peanuts Hucko, Jack Ferrier
Guitar: Carmen Mastern
Strings: Stan Harris, Davi Schwartz, George Ockner, Harry Katzman, Dave Sackson, Phil Cogliano, Morris Bialkin, Bob Ripley, Manny Winshnow, Milton Edelson, Carl Swanson, Dick Motolinski, Ernie Kardos, Gene Bergen, Earl Cornwell, Nat Kaproff, Joseph Kowelewski, Freddy Ostrowski, Henry Brynan, Dave Herman
Bass: Tigger Alpert Joe Shulman
Drums: Ray McKinley, Frank Ippolito
Piano: Mel Powell, Jack Rusin
Arrangers: Jerry Gary, Ralph Wilkinson, Norm Leyden
The Crew Chiefs: Gene Steck, Murray Kane, Lynn Allison, Artie Malvin, Steve Steck

Peck and Thaler were last-minute replacements for Jim Harwood and Chuck Gentry before the band wen overseas, where these pictures were taken. Although a part of the band in its appearance abroad, Peck and Thaler were not with it during the NBC broadcasts from which this album comes.

From the back cover: "We didn't come here to set any fashions in music. We merely came to bring a much-needed touch of home to some lads who have been here a couple of years. These lads are doing a hell of a job – they have been starved for real, live American music."

So wrote Major Glenn Miller from England in the summer of 1944. It was a sincere statement but by no means completely accurate. The Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band did bring a much-needed touch of home to literally millions of American servicemen via its fantastically large number of personal appearances before the troops and also through hundreds of radio broadcasts which it beamed throughout the European Theater.

But it was more than the touch of home that thrilled these men. It was the magnificent music played by this huge organization of close to fifty musicians – music which, despite Glenn's modest denial, did set fashions in music, and caused millions of servicemen to insist right through to this day that was the greatest band of all time.

Until recently, the music of this great band was but a memory. But thanks to the discovery of recordings of the Miller band prior to its European trip, this music has survived for all to enjoy, and to produce the same sort of enthusiasm which, according to Glenn, was his big reward: "The sound of thousands of G.I.'s reacting with an ear-splitting, almost hysterical happy yell after each member. That's for us, Brother!"

In June of 1943 the Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band – a hand picked crew of experienced musicians including a string section made up of men who had been recruited from several top symphonies – began a seres of weekly coast-to-coast radio broadcasts called "I Sustain The Wings," which featured the full forty-five-piece orchestra.

The broadcasts, which – except for the first six weeks – were carried almost a year on Saturdays over NBC, were tremendously successful. Little wonder, too, for the music was of a vastly superior quality, as this album, taken from those broadcasts, will attest. Some of it was patterned after the music of Glenn's fantastically successful civilian band; some of it reached out toward even wider musical horizons.

The selections in this album highlight the romantic facets of this great Miller band.

From Billboard - September 2, 1957: The late Glenn Miller's name still has potent stales appeal from collectors and nostalgic middle-agers. These sides, a group of standards culled from his NBC radio shows, reflect sufficient "Miller mood" to satisfy his loyal fans. Vocals by Johnny Desmond. Set is a "Save on Records" package, and sides previously were in the "Limited Edition" volume.

Star Dust - French Horn: Addison Collins
A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening - Vocal: Johnny Desmond and Crew Chiefs
Farewell Blues - Trumpet: Bobby Nichols; Clarinet: Peanuts Hucko; Tenor Sax: Vince Carbone
People Will Say We're In Love - Vocal: Johnny Desmond
Pearls On Velvet - Composer: Mel Powell; Piano: Mel Powell
Long Ago And Far Away - Vocal: Johnny Desmond
My Ideal - Vocal: Johnny Desmond
Blue Is The Night - French Horn: Addison Collins; Alto Sax: Hank Freeman
I Love You - Vocal: Johnny Desmond
Suddenly It's Spring - Vocal Johnny Desmond
Holiday For Strings - Alto Sax: Hank Freeman; Violin: George Ockner

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