Saturday, September 9, 2023

Dance-Along - Jack Hansen



To Strict Tempos Approved by The U.S. Ballroom Council
Jack Hansen and His Orchestra
Coral Records CRL 757387

From the back cover: Some bandleaders, in recent years, have been so concerned with the special style, the particular sound and the characteristic arrangements of their music that their dance rhythms often tend to blur together – to sound and feel the same. The result is that they have misguided a whole generation of dancers into reacting with a distressing sameness in their performances of the various ballroom rhythms.

In this first-rate collection of dance music, careful and separate consideration is given to the legato quality of the Waltz, the smart crispness of the Foxtrot, the fluidity of the Tango, and the brisk Spanish marching spirit of the Paso Doble, and the Caribbean flavor of the Cha Cha Cha, Mambo and Rumba. This emphasis on the differences in character of each rhythm cannot hero but make for  better and happier dancing.

A welcome innovation in the production of this album is to be noted in the fact that a quarter of dander-teachers, representing the United States Ballroom Council*, were invited to collaborate. These experts (Helen Wicks Reid, Patrick Mastrolia, Mel Riedl and Bob Bagar) tested the tempos for danceability by actual on-the-spot dancing during the recording sessions. – Donald Duncan - Editor, Ballroom Dance Magazine

* Member organizations: American Society of Teachers of Dancing; Associated Dance Teachers of New Jersey; Associated Dance Teachers of Southern California; Chicago National Association of Dance Masters of America; Dance Teachers' Club of Boston; New York Society of Teachers of Dancing; Texas Association of Dancing.

I'm In A Dancing Mood
So Long Emile
Puerta Del Sol
Tango Della Gelosia (Jealous Of You)
A Little Closer
Teach Me Tonight
The March Of The Siamese Children
Love Song From "Houseboat" (Almost In Your Arms)
Espana Cani
Dance Along
The Speak Up Mambo
Just A Kiss Apart

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