Thursday, September 14, 2023

Bach - Orff - Spirituals


Bach - Orff - Spirituals

Bach - Orff - Spirituals
Kaiserslautern Old and Modern Language High School Choir and Orchestra
The choral and orchestral music from this record was part of two school concerts in the Fruchthalle Kaiserslautern on May 1973 and in the Palais de Fervaques in Saint Quentin on June 1, 1973
Recorded on October 1st and 2nd, 1973 in Sudewestfunkstuduio Kaiserslkautern
Production: Fred Kersten
Foto: Enno Podehl
Kerston Records FK 65011

Johann Sebastian Bach
Brandenburgisches Konzert Nr. 5 
Allegro - Affetuoso - Allegro

Ausfuhrende: Wolfgang Ebling, Flore; Klaus Patschicke, Violine; Rolf Heil, Cembalo; Olaf Wiesel, Violoncello

Leitung: Paul-Friedrich Romer

Carl Orff
Drei Chore aus Catulli Carmina

Odi et amo
Vivamus, mea Lesbia
Miser Catulle

Drei Spirituals in der Bearbeitung von R. Peterson

Go Down Moses
Deep River
Joshua Fit de Battle of Jerico

Wolfgang Ebling, Tenor; Karl Knopfler, Piano: Joachim Becker, Gitarre; Michael Becker, Schlagzeug; Matthias Weber, Kontrabass

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