Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Face Of Africa - Tribal Music Of The Belgian Congo


The Face Of Africa

The Face Of Africa
Tribal Music of The Belgian Congo
Drum Rhythm and Songs
Photos courtesy of Sabena Belgian World Airlines
London International Series TW 91204

Drum Rhythms - Luba Tribe
Recorded at the Cité Indigéne. Jadotville. Belgian Conogo.
Mambala Dance with five drums, double bell, rattle and whistle by 5 Luba drummers.
Topical Song - Luba/Songe Tribe - Guitars, Bottle, Whistle, Rattle
Recorded at the Cité Indigéne Musonio, Kolwezi Copper Mine. Katanga. Belgian Congo.
Topical Song with guitars, bottle, small rattle and whistle by Ngoi Nono and Kabongo Anastase with friends.

Topical Song - Luba/Songe Tribe - Guitars, Bottle, Rattle
Recorded at the Cité Indigéne Musonoi, Kolwezi Copper Mine. Katanga. Belgian Congo.
Tropical Song with guitars, bottle and small rattle by Ngoi Nono and Kabongo Anastase with friends.

Topical Song - Luba/Hemba Tribe - Guitars, Bottle
Recorded at the Cité Indigéne Musonoi, Kolwezi Copper Mine. Katanga. Belgian Congo.
Topical Song with guitars and bottle, by Ilunga Patrice and Misomba Victor and friends.

Topical Song - Luba/Hemba Tribe - Guitars, Bottle
Recorded at the Cité Indigéne Musonio, Kolwezi Copper mine. Katanga. Belgian Congo.
Topical Song with guitars and bottle, by Ilunga Patrice and Misomba Victor with friends.

Party Song - Luba/Hemba Tibe - Guitars, Bottle
Recorded at the Cité Indigéne Musonio, Kolwezi Copper Min. Katanga. Belgian Congo.
Party Song with guitars and bottle, by Ilunga Patrice and Misomba Victor.

Dance Tune - Kanye Katribe - Xylophones
Recorded at the Cité Indigéne, Panda, Jadotville. Belgian Congo.
Dance Tune with two xylophones, drums and rattles by group of Kanyoka men and women. Leader: Kasadi Celestin.

Drum Rhythms - Rwanda Tribe - Drums
Recorded at the Cité Indigéne, Kipushi Copper Mine. Katanga. Belgian Congo.
Eight Drum rhythms by 8 Hutu men.

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