Friday, August 18, 2023

Julie Rogers


In The Blue Of The Evening

Julie Rogers
Produced by Johnny Franz - In London, England
Mercury SR 60981

From the back cover: Her conversation is punctuated with phrases such as, "It was a real giggle!" "Oh, isn't that smashing!" "Well, we did, actually."

She constantly wears the high black suede boots that seem to be almost the hallmark of the fashionable british miss of today. And her clothes are very obviously the chic Young Chelsea look.

As is typical of most British  performers, her dark auburn hair is long – but it doesn't just hag there! It is coiffed into an extremely high fashion and becoming hairdo, which dramas a face so pretty that people often stop and simply stare.

She is, of cours, Julie Rogers, 21- year-old London songstress whose recording "The Wedding" raced first up the British charts to the Top Ten, then flew across the Atlantic to race up the American charts.

This young lady who has captivated two nations has a rich, vibrant voice with a lilting quality that set it apart completely from any other performer. Her emotional involvement with the songs she songs is evident... as yo play this album, you'll hear that Julie does not just sing a lyric, she lives it, feels it, breathes life into it.

In person, Julie is a real charmer: calm, quiet, cooperative – and without a speck of artistic temperament. Best of all is her ready wit, her spontaneous and infectious laugh, her delightful warmth toward everyone from an important deejay to a hotel doorman.

Julie was born and raised in London, where she still lives in her parents' home. After finishing school at 16, she and a fried went to Spain on a holiday. As a lark, they auditioned as dancers to perform with professional Swedish dancer May Jan, then booked in Madrid. "We did it as a giggle," Julie says now, "but we got the job, and the act developed into something really good!" The act lasted only until the holiday was over, and the girls returned to London.

But Julie didn't forget about show business: but it was as a singer, not a dancer, that she decided to make a career. She got her very first singing job as vocalist with Teddy Foster's band... and built quite a following.

Then in the spring of 1964, Julie struck out on her own, with Teddy as her manager. She cut her first record, "It's Magic," which did well – bit didn't quite make the charts. Her follow-up disc, "The Wedding," was an instantaneous smash hit... and Julie found herself a household word.

Naturally, with a hit tune called "The Wedding," marriage is a subject often brought up to Julie. When it is mentioned, she gets thoughtful. "I do want to continue my career for a long time yet. I think any performer, actually, no matter how successful, would dbee quite daft no to marry if the really right person comes along."

Success has brought Julie a new sense of responsibility: "It's a constant round of decisions... what songs to sing, how to sing them, what to wear on stage, how to dress offstage; how to wear my hair, what colors to wear... every little detail suddenly has to be a major decision." Then suddenly Julie breaks into a brilliant smile... "But I love every minute of it!"

And you'll love every minute of listening to Julie Rogers

The Wedding
The Love Of A Boy
Young And Foolish
Friendly Persuasion
A House Is Not A Home
Love Letters
Like A Child
Without You Love
In The Blue Of The Evening
How Soon
I'll Be Around
Hawaiian Wedding Song

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