Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Island In The Sun - Duke Errol


This Is My Island In The Sun

Island In The Sun
Duke Errol
Elite Records LP OE 10

Lord Charlie - Drums
Lord Roy - Lead Guitar
Lord Fred - Bass Guitar
Lord Russ - Piano
Fred Bernette - Steel Drum

From the back cover: It is generally recognized by lovers of music, as played and sung in the Bahamas, that the features of "know how" and "can do" that have sparked Duke Errol's meteroric career are persuasive enough to merit the unqualified admiration of his most ardent critics.

This is Duke Errol's (Errol Strachan) third album of popular favorites, as played by special request from his many tourist friends.

Errol began his music career as a choir boy in a church near his home. His joy for singing became obvious to those who knew him as a child. This natural urge from within, bolstered by the advice and encouragement of his framed, guided his decision to devote his entire being to the world of music. This meant giving up a fleet of taxis, his only source of income, but the sacrifice was small. Just how well Errol succeeded in this new venture may be gauged by the fact that today he is rated among the most outstanding of vocalists in the Bahamas.

Errol's deportment during a performance carries the finesse and polish of a veteran showman. When these qualities are backed by a fine, full-bodied voice and an unbelievable sense of rhythmic styling, one is forced to conclude that the Duke keeps doing what others try to do.

This well-balanced album of contrasting rhythms is seductively styled and presented by a combo of versatile veterans. Each a master of the tricky art of successfully catering to the musical palate or discriminating tastes. – T. Gibson

Island In The Sun
Banana Boat Song
Shame And Scandal
Fire Down Below
Hawaiian Wedding Song
Rambling Rose
Back To Back And Belly To Belly
Listen To The Ocean 
Try To Remember 
Island Woman
Mama Look'A Boo Boo

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