Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Bud And Travis


Malagueña Salerosa

Bud And Travis
Producer: Si Waronker
Engineer: Ted Kepp
Photography: Garrett-Howard
Cover Design: Pate/Francis & Associates
Liberty Records LST 7125

From the back cover: It the glittering never-never kingdom known as "Sho-Biz" there are thousands of "geniuses" who can give you answers to thousands of complex question pertaining to what is good and what is bad entertainment. But not one can explain the small, but oh-so-necessary, spark that separates the great performers from the merely talented ones. It is an indefinable commodify often referred to as "warmth," "heart," or often just... "IT".

Bud Dashiell and Travis Edmonson, the stars of this album, have "IT"... that certain something that causes everyone to sit up and notice that here are two unusually gifted young men. They have literally srirred up a musical storm in the entertainment world.

It is extremely hard to place them in any particular musical category because they will attack any area of song from Beethoven to boop, blues, pop, rock-and-roll, Spanish, French or American folk songs. They are also highly talented composers of original material.

Bud and Travis not only know the songs but they know about the songs they sing. From diligent research, personal knowledge, an intelligent approach and much, much honest sweat and toil, they have assembled a repertoire that equips them to entertain any type of audience from the espresso coffee house Beatniks, to the white ties and ermine wraps of the Diamond Horseshoe and the uninhibited stampings of saddle-oxford-encased bobby-soxers, or Uncle Zeke's Saturday night hayloft hoedown.

This collection of songs is fairly representative of the things they like. You will love the beautiful Spanish songs: Malagueña and Florecita, Delia's Gone and They call The And Maria are delightful folk ballads. Your favorite may be the infectious Truly Do or the exciting South Wind. All together this album is a wonderfully diversified musical program that will assure you many hours of pleasure.

Other Bud and Travis records and albums will follow – but hang on to this one. As time goes on and musical trends change you will find it to be one of your most delightful musical possessions. – Joe Allison (Joe Allison has worked on many television shows with Bud and Travis in and around the Lost Angeles area.)

From Billboard - September 14, 1959: Folk music fans who dig the Kingston Trio will go for Bud and Travis. The boys sing a group of melodic folk items with taste and solid showmanship. Selections include "Delia's Gone," "They Call The Wind Maria," "Tina," etc. The duo has garnered fine notices recently via a Blue Angel nitery appearance in New York City.

Truly Do
Rayito De Luna
San Fernando
Bonsoir Dame (Good Night My Lady Love)
Malagueña Salerosa
Delia's Gone
She Never Loved Me (Choucounne)
Florecita De Mi Cielo
They Call The Wind Maria
South Wind
Some To The Dance (Vamos Al Baile)

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