Sunday, July 23, 2023

Paperback Ballet - Enoch Light


The Gang At The Green Grotto

Paperback Ballet
Enoch Light
Original Title: The Life Of A Private Eye
Originated and Produced by Enoch Light
Associate Producer: Julie Klages
Music Composed by Davies and E. Light – Record Songs, Inc.
Arrangements by Lew Davies
Art Director: Charles E. Murphy
Recording Chief: Robert Fine
Mastering: George Piros (Stereo), John Johnson (Monaural)
Command STEREO RS 805 SD
1963 Grand Awards Record Co.

From Billboard December 14, 1959 (The Private Life Of A Private Eye): This is an imaginative, well conceived album that has a chance for solid sales. As the "Private Life Of A Private Eye," it rocks along in the manner of some of the "Peter Gunn" musical pieces with the original tunes bearing such clever titles as "Gum Shoe Lullaby," "Mess In Morrocco," "The Creep" and "The Gang At The Green Grotto." They are played smartly and recorded with the meticulous sound that marks this label.

The Private Life Of A Private Eye
The Gang At The Green Grotto
Harry's Hideout
Dirty Work Underfoot
Frenchy's Tune
Harlem Hot-Shot In A Hurray
Blonde Bombshell
Mess In Morocco
The Creep
Serenade For A Sweet Babe
Living On Borrowed Time
Gum Show Lullaby

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