Sunday, June 4, 2023

Bermuda Is Paradise - Ross Talbot


Scotch And Soda

The New Sound
Bermuda Is Paradise
Ross Talbot
"The Talbot Brother"
Audio Fidelity AFSD 6125

From the back cover: There's something new from the creative world of Ross "Black" Talbot, the man whose name symbolizes the greatest progress in modern Bermudian music both here in the States and throughout Europe.

Ross, who has always been an exponent of Bermuda's beauty through his numerous compositions, has complied in this latest recording, twelve of his most famous and most requested numbers.
As he travels throughout the world, on tours with his brothers, the famous "Talbot Brothers of Bermuda", he brings with him a varied repertoire of music from the exciting island beat of "Calypso" to the Samba inspired B"ossa Nova". They all are continually fresh, excitingly new, and current. These qualities, expand and develop this talented singer-composer to his fullest artistic level.

It took a long time before Ross was able to make this album, to find himself in his own definite style and to sing exactly the way he feels. To do this has long been his dream, as well as that of his dear friend and close follow artist, Al Butterfield, whom we hear in this corroding laying drums. They both planned and dreamed of this record becoming a reality for three long years and they both feel and hope you the audience will view this latest musical venture as a truly important stage in Ross's evolution as an artist. He sings here freer, more identifiable with his material than ever before.

In this recording, we hear 12 of his swingin'est songs given new treatments in his strictly "Bermuda Beat", a strange haunting blend of Latin flavored, Afro-Cuban and Calypso beats.

Ross hopes to have this beat as easily recognizable as being strictly "Bermudian" as are its snow white roofs atop its pastel houses and its peaceful pink beaches.

His love of music, any rhythmic beat, uniquely imaginative and colorful, is evident in his selection offered here. In his beautiful "Bermuda Is Paradise" he invites all to visit his island home. And in another mood, lively and infectious, he present the colorful "Scotch And Soda", long a great favorite of his many fans throughout the world.

Giving  swinging support to Ross is the Al Butterfield Combo, currently appearing in both nightclubs and musicals here in New York City.

For everyone who would welcome the chance to be beweticed vy the glorious music of Bermuda and of its leading ambassador of song, Ross Talbot, this album is being presented. Listen to the beauty and charm of his "Isle Of Rest In The Blue Atlantic" through the words of: "My Destiny", "sunset In Bermuda", "Bermuda Is Paradis", "I've Found A Home", "Scotch And Soda", "Calypso Cha Cha Cha", "Castro Twist", "Golf Time In Bermuda" and "This IS Bermuda".

So sit back now, relax and enjoy Ross's enthusiasm on his basic theme – "Music Of Bermuda". These are truly presented in the great new wound, created for all to hear, by Ross "Black" Talbot.

Ross "Blackie" Talbot is fast becoming one of the Colony's foremost tunesmith.

His latest effort – "Castro Twist" – may bee playing now in the White House, Washington homes of the late President John F. Kennedy. That it was heard by the American chief executive and his family, "Black" knows for sure.

It started when he and the Talbot Brothers played at a private party at the home of Mr. Carroll Dooley, Bermudiana Hotel manager, a short time ago. One of the guests, Mr. Edward McLaughlin, Lieut.-Governor of Massachusetts, heard "Black" play and sing his as yet unpublished song.

The official, at the time, was so taken with the tune, that he expressed the wish to  be able to take a record to Washington for President Kennedy. Nothing was available but the demonstration disc, which "Black" gave him.

Mr. Dooley received word that the record was in fact present to the late President with "Blackie's" (and all Bermuda's) compliments. And for Mrs. Jackie Kennedy – a copy of "Short Skirts And Polly Pants," latest Ross Talbot hit.

From Billboard - February 13, 1965: Impressive solo debut for Ross of the internationally famous Talbot Brothers. He offers an intriguing combination of Latin-flavored Afro-Cuban and calypso beats with a smattering of the Twist thrown in. Standout vocals include "Scotch And Soda," and his catchy composition "Calypso Can Cha" plus the lovely, "Child Don't You Call Me Boo Boo."

Bermuda Is Paradise
I Found A Home
It's My Destiny
Golf Time In Bermuda
Calypso Cha Cha Cha
Scotch And Soda
Sunset In Bermuda
Cognito At Midnight
Castro Twist
Child Don't You Call Me Boo Boo
Short Skirts And Polly Pants
This Is Bermuda

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