Wednesday, May 17, 2023

A Night At Chez Vito


A Night At Chez Vito

A Night At Chez Vito
Vito Records Ltd. 

From the back cover: Vito Pisa served in the ideal apprenticeship for the connoisseur he is today. Born in Naples, his brother, Francesco, enlisted him while he was still in his teens in the family's famous Pisa Bros. Travel Agency. It became Vito's pleasant mission to serve as good-living guide to meandering American millionaires during the era of golden indulgence. This suave young Metropolitan took to it with an elan that established him throughout Europe as a kind of White Hunter of the safari in search of the best the Continent had to offer. He learned his lesson well as his troops room – Chez Vito – attests

Also from the back cover: The Chez Vito recipe is simple. Take the strains of eight violins, mix lightly with the sweet tones of four opera-trained voices, add candle-light, cardinal red decor and top it all off with superlative Continental cuisine. But, like all recipes, there is always some magic ingredient that remains the chef's secret. What exactly that secret is is hard to say. But, once we've tasted the difference, we're spoiled for any other. Such is the special something about Chez Vito that has converted it in the three short years since its inception into the most romantic nightclub this side of Johann Strauss' Vienna.
"A Night At Chez Vito" is one you'll remember. Form the moment you enter, Vito conveys the impression you are "at home" with him. With its flood of music, candlelit tables and plush red velvet walls – the accent at Chez Vito is always on romance.

When Chez Vito first opened, the cosmopolite clientele used to say it reminded them of Paris' renowned supper clubs. Recently Vito felt a swell of satisfaction when one of his customers explained he was just back from the City of light. "Everywhere my wife and I went," he said, "We suddenly got nostalgic for Chez Vito." This recoding of some of the favorites of Chez Vito repertoire will help assuage that nostalgia.

Non Ti Scordar Di Me
Dans Mon Coeur
O' Marenariello
Play Gypsy, Dance Gypsy
Countess Maritza's Entrance Aria
A La Luz De La Luna
Hora Staccato
Core 'Ngrato
Funiculi, Funicula

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