Saturday, March 11, 2023

Percussion A Tribute To Duke Ellington - Frankie Capp


Like, The Duke

Sounds You See And Hear
In A Tribute to Duke Ellington
Arranged by Bob Florence
Featuring The Frankie Capp Percussion Group
Kimberly Records 11007

Trumpet - Cappy Lewis (Courtesy of Hi-Fi Records), Tom Scott, Ray Linn, John Audino
Sax - Bob Drasnin, Bill Hood, Ronny Lang, Dave Madden
Trombone - George Roberts (Courtesy of Columbia Records), Jimmy Priddy, Bob Pring, Harry Betts
Piano - Bob Florence 
Bass - Lyle Ritz
Percussionists - Frankie Capp , Emil Richards

From the back cover: Gifted young arranger Bob Florence has succumbed to the Ellington influence too. In his interpretations of samples of the Duke's panorama of moods. Bob shows his sensitivity, his kinship to the master's musical ideology. And leader Frankie Capp has selected ace Hollywood sidemen to follow in the footsteps of the Ellington virtuosi – men such as Bill Hood on baritone sax. Ronny Lang on alto, Trumpeter Cappy Lewis doing the so-typical hat tricks with his mutes! The percussion group adds a brilliant new dimension, creating a special kind of zest all its own.

Frankie Capp is not a newcomer to the percussion world. He is one of the top men in the jazz field today, being featured as the third man in the Andre Previn trio and as featured soloist with the Dave Pell Octet. He has also been with such aggregations as Neal Hefti, Bill May, Harry James, Shorty Rogers and Stan Getz. He has at various times worked with Peggy Lee, Ella Fitzgerald and David Rose. At present he is one of the busiest studio musicians in Hollywood and we are happy to present him as a bandleader in his own right.

Emil Richards, one of the outstanding vibraphone players of our day, started as a legitimate concert and symphonic percussion players in the Hartford and The New Britain Symphonies. In 1956 he joined the George Shearing group and stayed with him until he made his home on the West Coast in 1960. Since that time he has played with the Paul Horn group and has been very busy as a free lance studio musician.

I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart
Sophisticate Lady
Creole Love Call
Gal From Joe's
Tulip Or Turnip
In A Sentimental Mood
Like, The Duke
Mood Indigo

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