Thursday, February 16, 2023

There's A Meetin' Here Tonite - Joe & Eddie



There's A Meetin' Here Tonite
Joe & Eddie
Cover Photo and Design: George S. Whiteman
GNP Crescendo GNP 86

From the back cover: Joe and Eddie became a team when they decided to enter a talent contest some eight years ago. They were fast friends and didn't welcome the idea of competing against each other. The only solution, then, was to enter as a team. They did; the won; and they've seldom been more than five miles apart ever since.

Joe and Eddie began by performing at fraternity and sorority parties in their adopted home-town, Berkley, at the University of California, but didn't get their first big break until they auditioned to appear on the Don Sherwood television show in San Francisco. Their first appliance on the Sherwood show brought them offers from San Francisco's famed new talent showcase, "The Purple Onion," and from Leonard Sillman's review "New Faces."

Later, they made one appearance at San Fransisco's "Hungry I" for two weeks and were such an instantaneous success, they were brought back a short time later for an extended eight-week engagement. Since then they have gained national recognition by appearance on NBC's "Tonight" show, the Vic Damone "Spectacular" and most recently on the "Jackie Gleason" show. Gleason introduced them as one of his great new "discoveries."

They have a philosophy about their career; "We like what we're doing. If we can sing and get paid for it, all the better; but we're going to sing, no matter what."

From Billboard - June 15, 1963: Joe and Eddie are a smart, pop-folk-styled duo who handle their material in a most professional fashion. To a zingy rhythm combo backing they turn out such varied items as the title tune, "Lonesome Traveler," "Scarlet Ribbons," "Mariah," "I Laid Around" and "Kisses Sweeter Than Wine." It's the second album for these California-based lads and it's enough, if properly exposed, to give them a good sales stimuli on a more national scale. They definitely have a sound.

There's A Meetin' Here Tonite
The Drinking Gourd
Lonely And A Lonesome Travler
Scarlet Ribbons
Children Go!
I Laid Around
The Old Man
The Work Song
Muddy Old River
Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
Summer's Over

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