Saturday, February 4, 2023

Michelle - David & Jonathan


I Know

David & Jonathan
Produced by George Martin
Capitol Records T 2473

From the back cover: David and Jonathan have a hit version of 1966's top ballad, Michelle... but everyone with a radio or a photograph already knows that. But what everyone may not know is that David Roger Greenway and Jonathan Roger Cook (their harmonious middle names accurately suggesting their harmonious vocal sound) are not strictly ballad singers. As you'll hear, they are equally adept at pouring on that driving rhythm that's so important to today's smash sound. And furthermore, they're not just singers.

Both boys are favorite sons of Bristol, England's western industrial center, and personal friends of long standing. This friendship has gradually blossomed into one of popular music's most rewarding and diversified professional partnerships... rewarding for their appreciative audiences as well as for themselves. First off, they tried their hands at songwriting and were greeted by such immediate successes as This Golden Ring and You've got Your Troubles, both songs already made famous by The Fortunes. Secondly, British producer George Martin accidentally overheard one of D&J's demonstration discs and concluded that the prides of Bristol had the qualifications to become hit singers as well as hit composers. (Coincidentally, George Martin first heard the Beatles under similar circumstances and has been producing and backing their records ever since.) This event occurred just over a year ago and already Michelle has proven Martin's D&J judgement correct. Third, and quite unique, David and Jonathan have also made a name for themselves by providing great vocal backing for many of Britain's other hit artists.

Laughing Fit To Cry
I Know
Bye Bye Brown Eyes
A Must To Avoid
Every Now And Then
Let's Hang On
'Bye Now
This Golden Ring
You've Got Your Troubles
The End Is Beginning

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