Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Dance To The Hits Heckscher Style - Ernie Heckscher


What's New Pussycat?

Dance To The Hits Heckscher Style
Ernie Heckscher and His Fairmont Orchestra
Produced by Allen Stanton
Columbia Records CS 9229

From the back cover: Ever since the Venetian Room of the Fairmont Hotel ("high atop Nob Hill overlooking the beautiful San Francisco Bay") became one of the top supper clubs in the country nearly twenty years ago, Ernie Heckscher's orchestra has played there. In that time, the band played almost every headline nightclub act your can name. And in between the shows, the orchestra has played for dancing.

For a good part of their tenure, it has been my assignment as a newspaper columnist to cover the shows at the Venetian Room, and thus I've heard Ernie's Fairmont Orchestra innumerable times over the years. This sort of thing could drive a reviewer to drink except for the fact that the Ernie Heckscher band has always been easy to listen to, the arrangements are invariably musical and sensible, and the tempos perfect for dancing.

During the years I've been visiting the Venetian Room, I've attended countless other shows at other places and heard some bands that would qualify for anyone's musical devil's roster. The contrast emphasizes for me the quality of the Heckscher orchestra.

In recent years, in addition to his almost total monopoly of the best San Francisco social engagements and his frequent radio broadcasts, Ernie Heckscher has been recording albums of dance music. And like everything else he does, these projects get the full Heckscher treatment. Ernie works with Van Alexander, who does the arranging, picks the tunes and augments the orchestra for recording purposes. The net result has been a series of albums which are a delightful extension of the virtues so long displayed on the Venetian Room bandstand. – Ralph J. Gleason, Syndicated Columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle 

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