Tuesday, January 24, 2023

This Here - Andy Griffith


Andy's Lament

This Here
Andy Griffith
Produced by Tom Morgan
Cover Photo by Alex de Paola
Capitol Records T1215

From Billboard - August 10, 1959: Griffith – with his country charm – is a superb performer. He projects terrifically here as a humorist (with monologs on Shakespeare plays, etc.), and he intersperses the talk with song. He does a blues in a distinctive style, with true understanding; and these vocals are backed by smartly-tuned arrangements. Disk is paced like a show, with musical interludes spotted as changes of pace. Deserves strong exposure, both by dealers and jockeys.

North Carolina, My Home State
Thank Heaven For Little Girls
Love Poems "To the Lovely Jaunita Beasley"
Bad, Bad Business
Little Brown Church
Andy's Lament
Love Poems "Togetherness"
St. James Infirmary

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