Saturday, January 14, 2023

Foreign Affair - Frankie Laine



Foreign Affair
Frankie Laine
Michel Legrand and His Orchestra
Columbia CL 1116

From the back cover: Frankie Laine has always been widely popular in Europe, and among the reasons is his ability to sing in various language, a talent not always associated with a popular artist. Here, as the program unfolds, he is heard not only in English, but in French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese as well. This in itself is a compliment they return with enthusiasm. During his most recent tour, he amassed some of the finest notices of his career. "His talent," they said in London, "is unquestionable, and he has the experienced touch of a seasoned trouper." In Paris, France-Soir remarked "Frankie Laine chanteuses et nous sommes conquis." The Italians felt much the same way: "E un cantante inimitable." Brussels critics found him "un des maitres de l'école moderne de la chanson" and in Mechelen, they said "Frank zit boordevol ritme, showmanship en... talent," Now, all these things have been known to American audiences for a decade, but it is always nice to have one's opinions reinforced.

Michel Legrand is known to American almost entirely through his recordings, apart from a few fleeting television appearances but he is one of the most popular maestros on records. His highly unusual and distinctive approach to well-known standard songs has won him wide fame, and sent his record albums to the top of the best-seller lists. Still a very young man, M. Legrand is already a distinguished musician, with an invention and imagination that make him the envy of many older musicians. Note, for example, the remarkable introduction to Quiereme Mucho in this collection, an example (although far from typical; Legrand never does the same thing twice) of his fresh approach to music.

From Billboard - March 31, 1958: This is one of the singer's finest album efforts. Imaginative ork support by Michel Legrand. The chanter's rendition of "Laura" is enough to sell the set. It's done with both French and English lyrics. The other selections comprise a listenable array of American and international standards. Good cover shot of the artist.

Addormentarmi cosi
Autumn Leaves
Nao tem solução
La Paloma
Mona Lisa
Si tu partais
Quiereme mucho
Torna a Surriento
Too Young
Besame mucho

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