Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Green Power - Urbie Green


Green Power

Green Power
The Superb Urb On Reverb
Urbie Green
Producer: Enoch Light
Associate Producers: Tony Mottola / Jeff Hest
Engineer: Don Hahn
Mastering: Dave Crawford
Project 3 Total Sound Stereo
PR 5052SD

Featuring "The Green Monster" electric trombone (King-Vox Ampliphonic Unit) and the electrifying non-electric trombone in a brassy bash of hit tunes.

From the inside cover: 

Spirit In The Dark - A piano chord, a tentative statement by Urbie, and before you know it, everybody is swinging: "funk" style! Urbie wanted to come as close as possible to the feeling established by Aretha Franklin on this tune, while imparting his own interpretation to it. Notice how subtly Urbie leads the rhythm section in and out of double time feelings. The "mysterious" tape-reverb sections were conceived by Urbie, who also had a hand in its execution, along with engineer Don Hahn.

A Time For Love - Don Heitler on electric piano (left) and Dick Hyman on organ (right) provide an intimate setting for Urbie's very personal and beautiful rendition of this Johnny Mandel masterpiece. Urbie's control of the instrument and his superb phrasing combine to make this an unforgettable performance. The tune fades out in a mist of delicate tones from the two keyboards.

Green Power - This is Urbie's own composition and it takes someone of Urbie's abilities to play it! Urbie uses the specially amplified trombone on this tune, which electronically duplicates each of his notes and octave lower. As usual, Urbie is all over the horn", and his exciting performance here includes some remarkable "triple-tonguing" sections. The electric piano solo by Dick Hyman, and the unusual musical and percussive effects emanating from your let channel are from Vinnie Bell's guitar.

Easy Come, Easy Go - Dick Hyman's Lowery Organ, recorded in stereo, together with Jule Ruggiero's driving fender bass line and Grady Tate's "shuffling" drums pave the way for Urbie's commanding trombone. Solo work is shared by Urbie and Dick Hyman. As the tune closed, listen to Urbie hit a series of high "B's" (almost two octaves above middle "C") and then effortlessly jump down three octaves for the final note!

Secret Love - A Latin flavored rhythmic feeling (bossa-rock) is established in the introduction and forms the background for Urbie's handling of the tune. Urbie plays this tune with a mute, which gives a new sound "color" to the album. Notice the marvelous counterpoint of Russell George's repeated bass notes in the first chorus. A brief drum break by Grady Tate announces Urbie's jazz chorus. Dick Hyman is featured on the organ and his jazz work is wonderfully compatible with Urbie's.

This Is All I Ask - Urbie's mellow trombone sings out the introduction of this Gordon Jenkins standard. As the first chorus begins, Dick Hyman's piano interlude tastefully embellishes Urbie's phrasing. A subtle but insistent rhythmic pulse (established by Julie Ruggeiro on fender bass, Grady Tate on drums and Don Heitler on organ) carries through both choruses until Urbie's cadenza brings the tune to a close.

Sidewinder - The combination of Russell George's fender bass, Grady Tate's drums and Dick Hyman's electric piano establishes the perfect feeling for this tour-de-force by Urbie. Urbie is playing the specially amplified trombone, which magnifies the power of his unique playing. Also featured in this arrangement are Dick Hyman on electric piano and Vinnie Bell, whose guitar solo is punctuated by Urbie's insistent rhythmic accompaniment.

Isn't It Odd - This lilting bossa nova (in waltz time!) is the product of the creative mind of the composer, Dick Hyman, whose piano playing begins this arrangement. Urbie glides his golden sound through the melody with supreme control. Also "gliding" (or is it "sliding"?) is the rhythm sections as it wends its way through an ingenious structure of chords and rhythmic accents. Vinnie Bell's guitar provides the sitar-like sounds in the second chorus, as well as the "waterfall" effect of the introduction.

Lumps - Dick Hyman, composer of this tune, starts off on the electric piano (right) and is answered on the left by Howie Collin's guitar. Urbie's melodic phrases are answered by the ensemble in like manner. The addition of Phil Bodner on baritone sax adds to the power. Urbie plays an incredible three and one half octave fall off at the end of the chorus. Solo work is again shared by Urbie and Dick Hyman throughout the tune which rocks its way into the fade ending.

From Billboard - February 27, 1971: An album that contains some tasteful ideas about jazz and also some interesting tone textures mainly from Mr. Green's electric trombone. Most of the titles are familiar which should also help broaden the album's appeal. Green does a good job on Lee Morgan's jazz hit, "Sidewinder."

Spirit In The Dark
A Time For Love
Green Power
Easy Come, Easy Go
Comin' Home Baby
Secret Love
This Is All I Ask
Isn't It Odd

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