Saturday, August 13, 2022

Themes To Remember - Stanley Wilson


87th Precinct

Themes To Remember
Stanley Wilson And His Orchestra
Decca Records DL 74481

From the back cover: Stanley Wilson is superbly skilled in the art of creating this kind of music backdrop on television. As music director of the huge Revue Studios, he supervises and conducts more scoring sessions that anyone in the history of Hollywood. It's a big job, but Stanley Wilson's background prepared him for it.

He switched from pre-medical studies to music while still in college, and studied arranging and composition while playing a hot trumpet in jazz bands for three years. By the time he was twenty-five, he had become the arranger for Freddy Martin's orchestra and a number of top radio shows.

Stanley Wilson got into movie work with MGM, doing arrangements for a number of musicals featuring Jeanette MacDonald, Jimmy Durante, and Lauritz Melchior. He rose to musical director at Republic Pictures, and for the last decade has been the music man at Revue. His television credits include writing and conducting the theme music for such top shows as Alfred Hitchcock, G. E. Theatre, Wells Fargo, M-Squad and others.

Teakwood Nocturne
87th Precinct
Wide Country Theme
Somewhere A Bird Is Singing
All In My Mind
The Virginian
Markham Theme
Trailmaster Theme

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