Sunday, August 28, 2022

Other Songs By Leiber & Stoller - Morris / Bolcom


Ready To Begin Again

Other Songs By Leiber & Stoller
Joan Morris, Mezzo-Soprano
William Bolcom, Piano
Engineering & Musical Supervision: Marc J. Aubort, Joanna Nickrenz (Elite Recordings, Inc.)
Mastering: Robert C. Ludwig (Masterdisk Corp.)
Cover Illustration / Cleo's View (1968) by Howard Kanovitz - Reproduced courtesy of the Wilhelm-Lembruck Museum, Duisburg, West Germany
Coordinator: Teresa Stern
Design & Art Direction: Paula Bisacca
Piano by Baldwin
Nonesuch H-71346

From the back cover: Joan Morris (b. Portlan, Oregon) is well known as a specialist in a wide range of American popular and theater song from the mid-19th century to the present. Since 1973, Miss Morris has toured with her husband William Bolcom throughout the United States and Europe. She has recorded for Columbia, RCA, and Nonesuch.

William Bolcom (b. Seattle) has been instrumental in bringing serious attention to American vernacular music, and his own compositions are a fusion of classical and popular elements. As pianist, he is heard on Columbia, Jazzology, RCA, the School of Music label of the University of Michigan (where he has been professor of composition since 1973), and Nonesuch.

Let's Bring Back World War I
Longings For A simpler Time
I've Got Them Feeling Too Good Today Blues
I Ain't Here
Humphrey Bogart
I Remember
Black Denim Trousers And Motorcycle Boots
Ready To Begin Again
Is That All There Is?
Professor Hauptmann's Performing Dogs

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