Friday, July 8, 2022

A Gypsy By Candlelight - Emery Deutsch


Just Say I Love Her

A Gypsy By Candlelight
Emery Deutsch, His Violin and Orchestra
RCA Victor LPM 1094

From the back cover: Born in Hungary, Mr. Deutsch was early attracted to gypsy music – he reports that at age six or seven he was a confirmed habitué of his aunt's Budapest night club. Coming to America with his family, he continued the study of the violin – planning on a career – and finally made his professional debut with the Royal Gypsy Trio during his late teems. In his early twenties he was a staff conductor for a national broadcasting company, and since has appeared in such favored spots as the Rockefeller Center Rainbow Room, New York's Music Hall and Roxy Theaters, and in just about every intimate night spot on North America. He is today the master of his field; using a Joseph Philius Andreas Guarnerius violin of 1704, Mr. Deutsch contributes to his art something that most popular music lacks – a heart.

If You Love Me
When A Gypsy Makes His Violin Cry
Close Your Eyes
Play, Fiddle, Play
A Thousand Violins
Just Say I Love Her
Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered
My Funny Valentine
Golden Earrings
Autumn In Rome
Autum Leaves
If I Loved You

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