Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Side By Side - Pat & Shirley Boone


Vaya Con Dios

Side By Side
Pat & Shirley Boone
Orchestra Conducted by Mort Lindsey
Dot DLP 25199

From the back cover: Pat: "By way of introduction, I'd like to present my favorite singer.

Although this is her debut in the world of LP's, Hi-Fi, stereo and telefunken, she's far from being new to the singing game. She warbled with her sisters on their Dad's radio and TV shows and on some single records, too. Their Dad? Red Foley. Shirley and I sang our way through high school, college, five years of marriage and four chillun. She was a smash hit at the Playpen, holds the all time record in the shower and has become known as the Lullabye Lady Of Booneville. Here she makes the transition, albeit temporary, from washing dishes to waxing discs. Hope it sounds as good to you as it does to me."

Shirley: "I never thought it would lead to this.

Just because I came to all his record sessions, joined in with the group singers and sometimes hummer over his shoulder while he sang. Pat got the goofy idea I'd like to make a record. It was the farthest thing from my mind, even though we've always had such fun singing together, ever since our first date. Well, anyway, my hubby twisted my arm ever so gently and I gave in, purely as a favor to him, you understand. But I'm glad he thought of it, and I hope you enjoy the songs. We had a great time singing them."

Side By Side
Tumbling Tumbleweeds
Let Me Call You Sweetheart
Sentimental ME
I'll Never Be Free
Vaya Con Dios
Melody Of Love
You Can't Be True
My Happiness
Now Is The Hour
Drifting And Dreaming
Let The Rest Of The World Go By

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