Friday, June 10, 2022

Ron Hudson In Concert


El Condor Pasa

Rod Hudson In Concert
Recording Engineer: Robert (RAM) Mills
Photographs: E. A. Schaefer
Cover Portrait: Dian Hudson

From the back cover: Rod Hudson, the son of Nazarene Missionaries, has already received accolades as a concert guitarist. He completed his first album of popular songs in September of 1970 and now this second album of classical and Spanish pieces.

Ron's parents, Rev. and Mrs. James Hudson lived in Oklahoma at the time he was born, but when he was seven years old the family moved to Nicaragua for a year and then to Guatemala where he lived until the age of seventeen.

The school system was quite different there and he received most of his elementary and high school education through a correspondence course. His parents tutored him in these courses as well as in music. He soon learned to play several musical instruments, but the one he enjoyed playing most was the guitar.

After he graduated from high school, he came to the United States to attend Bethany Nazarene College where he majored in Spanish and minored in Music. While attending BNC he had the opportunity to study under Juan Serrano, one of the world's outstanding Flamenco guitarists. After college graduation, Ron took post graduate studies at the University of Texas in Austin.

In October of 1970, Ron presented a concert at Rice University in Houston. It was attended  by the Honorable Stella Cheesman, President of the Institute of Hispanic Culture and Consul General of Guatemala. She was so impressed with his artistic abilities that the Institute decided to sponsor him on a nationwide tour. Since that time he has performed at numerous colleges and universities throughout the United States. In 1971, he was awarded the Keith Jackson award for talented performers and has just completed a successful tour of Spain.

Recuerdos de la Alhambra
El Condor Pasa
Lute Piece of the Renaissance
Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
Ave Maria
De los Alamos Vengo, Madre
Zorba The Greek

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