Wednesday, June 29, 2022

300 Year Old Goodies All Jazzed Up! - Franz Loffler & Pierre Favre



300 Year Old Goodies All Jazzed Up!
Franz Löffler & Pierre Favre
Produced by Mal Sondock & Sam Spence
Cover Photo: Don Bronstein
Mercury Records  MG 21044

From the back cover: Throughout all twelve Bach-inspired numbers, Loffler's guitar and Favre's drums blend into a beautifully balanced, perfectly polished performance: two musicians in complete mastery of their instruments, giving a new jazz sound to music that is almost 300 years old. Even Johann would heartily approve.

Bach Goes To Paris
Bach's Mashed Bourree
Bach Meets The Bulls
Bach's Bedroom Brew
Ping Pong For Bach Bugs
Sorry, Mr. Brubeck, It's Bach
Very British, Mr. Bach
Bach's Bag
Lullaby Of Bachland
Swingin' Bach Guitar
I Like Bach

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