Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Greatest Steel Guitar In The World - Pete Drake


Blue Guitar

Pete Drake
The Greatest Steel Guitar In The World!
Hilltop STEREO JS-6052
A Product of Pickwick International
By Arrangement With Mercury Records

From the back cover: In utilizing the steel guitar and the human voice, Pete has combined the two most versatile musical instruments known to man. In the hands of a master performer, such as Pete Drake, the steel guitar is capable of an infinite variety of mood and expression. It is required in any performance, that the should of the artist urge the moods and expression from the soul of the instrument. Pete Drake urges his steel guitar through a gamut of musical expressions. Melodic expressions that rest easy on the listener and to which the listener, no matter what age, can relate. – Hugh Cherry, KFOX Radio, Long Beach, California.

Are You Sincere?
I'm Walking
This Is Our Last Night Together
I'm Sorry
Little Bitty Broken Heart
Blue Guitar
Funny How Time Slips Away
I'm Blue

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