Friday, May 6, 2022

Latin Twist - Tito Rodriguez


Latin Twist
Tito Rodriguez And His Orchestra
United Artists Records UAL 3194

From the back cover: In the late Spring of 1961 a new dance craze, nurtured by Teens, spread like fire through the United States, then slowly ebbed. Late in the year, from out of nowhere, the same craze, known as the Twist, suddenly came back to life, this time as an adult dance fare.

New York's famous Palladium Ballroom, where the latin rhythms prevail, soon found that the music played by Tito Rodriguez and his fine orchestra was well-suited to this new dance, and Tito, ever aware of trends, made certain his music would fill the bill for the hordes who flock to the Palladium each night.

There can be no questions that Tito Rodriguez has, in the early '60s become the leading Latin-American entertainer North of the border. His fame has spread from one coast to the other, and into Canada where he made his initial appearance late in 1961, and was so enthusiastically acclaimed that a return engagement was set before he returned home. Similar receptions greeted him on his first personal appearance tour of the West Coast.

Here is Tito, singing and leading his musicians through the same exciting music the New Yorkers dance "live" to at the Palladium. You will find the tempo ideal for Twisting – or, if it is your pleasure – for just plain listening. In either event, it is Tito Rodriguez at his entertaining best.

Latin Twist
Maxima Susi
La Cuca Twist
Mama Inez
Hi Ho Caballo
Negra Consentida
Something For Cat
Yo Soy Tu Dolor 

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