Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Women - Burl Ives


Barbara Allen

Folk Songs About The Fair Sex
Sung By Burl Ives
Vocal With Guitar
Decca Records DL 8246

From the back cover: His (Ives) fame is fully as great as his native reputation. The London Times ended an enthusiastic review this way: "For the folklorist his readings were full of interesting variants; for the ordinary listener his skill in timing and inflection, and his joie de vivre made the evening seem too short." The United Press reported that Burl Ives played at the Royal Festival Hall" to the greatest audience since the late King George VI dedicated the building." When Burl returned to America, the Washington, D.C. Star said that "Constitution Hall has never vibrated to such concentrated drama as Burl Ives brought there last night. The famous ballad singer gave a short program for an eager audience and put over each number with the inimitable art that is his." This was echoed by Clifford Gessler in the Oakland Tribune. "A good part of Ives' apparent simplicity is illusion... With a keen sense of drama, he knows just how far to go with it, too good a showman to overplay it. There are plenty of folk singers who are more arty, but none with so true an art."

The Woman And The Chivalrous Shark
Nellie McNess
My Pretty Little Miss
Barbara Allen
Dublin City
I Know An Old Lady 
Molly Malone
The Wealthy Old Maid
Devilish Mary
Liza Jane

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