Sunday, April 24, 2022

Marian McPartland At The Hickory House


Mad About The Boy

Marian McPartland At The Hickory House
Photography by Herman Leonard
Capitol Records T574

From the back cover: The Hickory House has been full this past season – full of customers and full of some of the nicest jazz that has ever emerged from behind an oval bar, or from any other spot, for that matter. The reason as well as purveyor has been Marian McPartland, who, with her exceptionally fine trio has managed to express herself in a modern manner that appeals just as much to the emotions as it does to the intellect.

Marian's attributes are many. She plays a ballad with immense feeling, leisurely, sympathetically, intimately, with the authority that comes only from a well-trained musician. What is especially striking about her playing is her extraordinary range of dynamics, a quality seldom exploited by jazz musicians, but used with charm and intelligence by Marian. As for her jazz musicians, but used with charm and intelligence by Marian. As for her jazz, here again the dynamics are apparent, as she weaves through modern ideas, at times with a full, strong beat, at other times with a dainty, jumping touch.

In the back of her are two excellent musicians. Joe Morello is in many ways the most exciting drummer to appear in a long time. Gifted with an amazing touch and two of the loosest wrists in captivity, he plays brilliant, light, tasty brushes behind Marian on ballads and on many up tempo bits, and yet, when the occasion demands, explodes authoritatively with his sticks. As for Bill Crow, he, too, is outstanding. Like his compatriots, he has great technique that permits him to play interesting changes at truly fast tempos. In addition, he is one of those rare bassists who plays evenly up and down the range of the instrument – his low notes don't boom, his high notes don't sound thin or too short. And he swings!

And then is a great trio, a modern trio with taste, imagination, and with a beat. Add to this Marian's innate charm, and you have one of the most attractive organizations in the history of jazz. – George T. Simon, Editor, Metronome

I Hear Music
Street Of Dreams
How Long Had The Been Going On
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
Lush Life
Mad About The Boy
I've Told Ev'ry Little Star
Moon Song

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