Thursday, April 28, 2022

Bobby Scott And Two Horns


Bobby Scott And Two Horns
West Coast Jazz Compositions Vol. 1
Produced by Creed Taylor
Engineering  by Irv Greenbaum
Cover Photography by Alan Fontaine
Cover Design by Bob Crozier
Recorded October, 1956
ABC Paramount ABC-148

Bobby Scott - Piano
John Murtaugh - Tenor Sax
Marty Flax - Baritone Sax
Whitey Mitchell - Bass
Howie Mann - Drums

From the back cover: There is plenty of room for improvising on the sketches set forth on paper by Bobby Scott. John Murtaugh, perhaps best known for his work with the Les Elgart band; Marty Flax, who served a lengthy apprenticeship with Woody Herman, Bassist Whitey Mitchell and drummer Howie Mann have 'done in', so to speak, the popular misconception that one must have visited New Orleans to know what it means to miss it.

With the exception of Box Car Blues, Scott has hewed the western party line. No attempt will be made to attribute the blues to any locale, save home.

Of the prominent Californias listed above, Jack Montrose and Jimmy Giuffre seem to have cast the largest shadows one Bobby Scott in the preparation of his material, but to assume that the music to be heard in this album is not original would be very unfair, sometimes serious, sometimes catchy, bu entirely valid compositions, sensitively framing five accomplished gentlemen of music who generally reside in New York, or cities of the eastern continental United States.

I have never before heard Marty Flax or John Murtaugh perform as well as they do in these tunes. John's approach to his instrument is on the crest of fashionable taste which mounts up between Lester Young's kinfolk and the vital relatives of the Sonny Rollins clan. Marty Flax, on the other hand, has heard enough of Bob Gordon and Gerry Mulligan to flavor his contribution with the spice of his awareness of his contemporaries. Perhaps assuming a great deal, I think it many safely deduced that Bobby Scott is very weary of being classified as a youngster with loads of talent and great promise considering his age. Bobby Scott is of age, musically speaking, and his writing and playing emphasize that maturation has enhanced his work. With so many assuredly live up to the promises his critics have made for him in years past.

I like all of the compositions in this collection and can't single out any one as my special favorite. To me, this is a stimulating compilation of recorded jazz. – Patrick Henry, Station KROW, Oakland, Cal.

Sally's Pound Cake
Every Woman
Box Car Blues
The Good Ship India
The Old Man
Theme III

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