Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Guitar Sounds Of Buddy Merrill



The Guitar Sounds Of Buddy Merrill
Cover Design: Mike Hogan
Cover Photo: Bruce Zemby
Accent Records AC 5010 MLP

From the back cover: Buddy Merrill is a meteor talent. In "The Guitar Sounds Of Buddy Merrill" he displays his skill as a composer, arranger and performer. In the standards, Fascinating Rhythm, Caravan, Invitation, Malaguena and Love Makes The World Go 'Round, he combines creative arranging forms with his amazing guitar technique and the result is a refreshing new approach to these great numbers. The Worm and Echoette are originals written by Buddy and again they reflect his all around talent as a composer and arranger.

In this album Bubby Merrill displays his "sound on sound" technique. The "sound on sound" formula is not new, however Buddy's use of it is a completely new dimension. His use of a solid "bottom" rock beat as a foundation for the beautiful flowing sounds in the high registers of the guitar give him a combination of SOUND and BEAT that is both artistic and commercial at the same time.

Lawrence Welk has featured Buddy as solo guitarist for the past nine years. During this time Buddy has been responsible for some of the outstanding arrangements that have made the Welk band so popular. Up to the present time, however, Buddy has not been exposed to the public with the sound that he is identified with in this first Accent album.

Sound engineering is usually considered to be "off limits" for the performing musician but Buddy Merrill combines his knowledge of this field with his musical background to produce the we believe will be a new dimension in the recording world.

This is not a "jazz" album nor is it meant to be a "mood" album; it is simply, "The Guitar Sounds Of Buddy Merrill." – Scott Seely, President / Accent Records

Also from the back cover: Buddy Merrill designed his own special four position, three channel mixer, which was custom built by Studio Electronics. This is used in conjunction with two Ampex 300, three channel recorders.

The Worm
Hava Nagila
El Cid
Fascination Rhythm 
Love Makes The World Go 'Round
Busy Bee
La Paloma

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