Monday, March 14, 2022

Gene Leis Plays Beautiful Guitar



Gene Leis Plays Beautiful Guitar
Music To Iron By
Produced by Gene Leis Studios - Manhattan Beach, California
One Star Project STEREO LSP 570
Volume 1


Gretsch Electric Classical Guitar - Lead Guitar
Baldwin Electric Classical Guitar - Rhythm Guitar
Jose Oribe Classical Guitar - Rhythm Guitar #2
Baldwin Amplifier C1

From the back cover: If the angels could hear Gene Leis play they would toss down their harps and order guitars. Enjoy a thrilling record experience and hear this recognized master perform. Re-live the excitement of "Black Orpheus," reminisce with "Maria Elena." The artistry and versatility of this fine performer taxes your imagination – the music delights the ear. From the hauntingly lovely music of "Dr. Zhivago" to the ethereal strains of "Clouds," this is a listening experience you can't afford to miss.

The Gene Leis Music Studio is a reflection of the artist himself. Exciting, colorful and completely music oriented. Music and people, that's what it's all about. The young eight year old with his dad picking out his first guitar. The old gentleman a little shy starting a new hobby to strum out his twilight years. Both beginners and both starting out with Gene Leis. A young couple drops in from across town to pick up a couple of Leis instruction manuals and a few tips from the maestro himself. They stay for two hours to play and talk. The coffee pot is always on. Two nuns browse through the shop, their hushed tones punctuated by the cacophony made by an energetic assault on a twelve string guitar. "Pros" drop in to swap shop talk and premier their latest pressings.

A couple of "long hairs" show up with sandwiches and the beat goes on. The walls are hung with guitars, any shape, any price, for prince or pauper.

A group with a bossa nova beach is recording in Gene's audition room with the "old pro" adjusting knobs like a mad surgeon is a "B" motion picture.

There are many things i the Gene Leis Music Studio but the things that make it singular cannot be purchased. They are soul, warmth, music, laughter, excitement and the tender loving care of the maestro himself. It's all there, come and see it – no, come and feel it for yourself. – Robert Golden

Dr. Zhivago (Laura's Theme)
It's Been A Long Long Time
I Love You So Much It Hurts
Maria Elena
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
Black Orpheus

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