Tuesday, March 22, 2022

All Harmonica - Lonnie Glosson


The Talking Harmonica

All Harmonica
Lonnie Glosson
Worlds Outstanding Harmonica Player
Album Volume 1
Rimrock Records HLP 104

From the back cover: Lonnie Glosson was born in Judsonia, Arkansas Feb. 14, 1908. From this day on is a long story, space does not permit the story.

Lonnie's mother, Mrs. Cora Glosson, taught him how to play the harmonica. In 1924, he made his way to St. Louis, Missouri on the blinds of a fast passenger train heading north form Kennett, Ark. In St. Louis he was leaning the bricklaying trade. His life's dream has always been to be on the radio. Lonnie's career began when he made his first appearance on Radio Station KMOX in St. Louis.

Lonnie did not have money for travel, so he rode the freight trains and blinds of the fast passenger trains all over the United States playing on radio stations everywhere.

In 1930 Lonnie reached a real turning point in his career. "The National Barn Dance", from WLS Chicago netted his first "fat" salary of $30 per week, which seemed like a million to Lonnie.

He has played on every network in the United States, NBC, ABC, CBS and Mutual. He was master of ceremonies for the Renfro Valley Barn Dance during the middle 40's then moved to the Prince Albert Show on NBC from the Grand Ole Opry in the late 40s.

Also from the back cover: Lonnie and Wayne Raney teamed up in 1949 and were together for 10 years. The Lonnie Glosson & Wayne Raney Harmonica & Guitar Lesson programs were heard over 200 radio stations throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada every night for several years.

Lonnie and his wife Ruth, have reared six children, three girls and three boys who are all married and have children of their own.

Lonnie and Ruth travel all over the U.S. every season where he plays school assembly shows for school children.

We are very proud to have the opportunity to present this album, "Lonnie Glosson The Living Legend." We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it. – Shirley Babb - Secretary, Rimrock Records.

Poppin The Harmonica
Foggy River
Bugle Call March
Old Time Chords And Runs
Blues Stay Away From Me
Over The Waves Waltz Medley
Panama Limited (Fast Train Imitation)
Is This One Okay
Lonesome Harmonica
Home Sweet Home Medley 
This Train
Peace In The Valley
The Talking Harmonica

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