Sunday, February 27, 2022

Lecuona Plays Lecuona


Ante El Escorial 

Lecuona Plays Lecuona
Ernesto Lecuona At The Piano
RCA Victor LPM 1055

From the back cover: Perhaps it is not often that one asks the question, "Who is Cuba's leading composer?", but when it is asked there is only one answer – Ernesto Lecuona. Indeed, Señor Lecuona is easily on of the giants among musicians of world-wide standing, and certainly one of the most versatile – he has written in almost every musical form, and in each has magnificently enriched our experience and broadened our pleasure. He is a serious composer whose popular music is in no way affected by "classical" mannerisms, and a popular composer whose gifts for melody is carried unerringly into his more intellectually significant work.

Since it is generally conceded that no one interprets a composer's work with quite the same enthusiasm and understanding as the composer himself, Señor Lecuona was flown to New York for the express purpose of making these recordings. His keyboard technique is equally as imposing as the talent he lavishes on his varied composition – it is all-embracing, warm and sure, with a light-hearted touch which kindles a unique personal glow. – Bill Zeitung

Noche Azul
Ante El Escorial 
La Comparsa
Danza Negra
Siempre En Mi Corazon
San Francisco El Grande
Danza Lucumi
En Tres Por Cuatro
A La Antigua
Canto Del Guajiro 
Maria La O
La Habanera
Damisela Encantadora

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