Thursday, January 27, 2022

Electric Flowers - Ivan Tcherepnin


Overture / The Ghost Violin

Electric Flowers
Music Of Ivan Tcherepnin
Composer-Supervise Recording
Produced by Carter Harman
Associate Producer: Carolyn Sachs
Art Director: Judith Lerner
Cover: Judith Lerner
Drawing by Edward Lear from "The Complete Nonsense Of Edward Lear" Dover Publications, Inc., N.Y. 1951
CRI - Composers Recording, Inc.
CRI SD 467

From the back cover: Ivan Tcherepnin (b. 1943, Paris) comes from a family of Russian musicians. He grew up in Chicago, where he received early training in music from his father, composer Alexander Tcherepnin, and his pianist mother, Ming. He graduated from Harvard University, where his principal teacher was Leon Kirchner, and taught at the San Francisco Conservatory and Stanford University before being named an assistant professor of music and director of the electronic music program at Harvard. He is active in the U.S. and Europe as a conductor and performer of his own compositions. In his live-electronic work, Ivan has been aided by his brother, Serge, who since 1970 has designed and constructed an impressive array of devices used in Ivan's performances.

Flores Musicales calls for oboe, psaltry and violin, all of whose sounds are processed and transformed (sometimes imperceptibly, sometimes radically) by a veritable armada of electronic modules. The work received its first performance on November 29, 1979, at Boston University.

Also from the back cover: The performers on Flores Musicales are all soloists in their own right. Peggy Pearson is a member of the Emmanuel Wind Quintet, winner of the 1981 Naumburg competition, and teaches at Wellesley and the Longy School Of Music; Wilma Smith, a native of the Fiji Islands, is first violinist of the Lydian Quartet and has been concert master of the Harvard Chamber Orchestra. Marion Dry began music studies after graduating from Harvard. She has been a soloist in the Boston area and across the country and is a successful voice teacher. Jean-Pierre Dautricourt earned his Ph.D. in composition at Harvard and teaches at the University of California at Riverside, where he also directs the electronic music studio.

Five Songs was commissioned by WFMT-FM in Chicago as part of a project initiated by author/ critic Karen Monson on the twentieth-century art song. The premier took place in March, 1979, on WFMT, with Marion Dry as soloist. A review of the work in Chicago Magazine noted that "The songs' format and texts explore the border zone between sense and nonsense, truth and deception, comedy and tragedy... the area in between categories, where life mostly takes place."

Flores Musicales (1980)
Overture (P'tite P'tite)
The Ghost Violin
Grand Fire Music

Peggy Pearson, oboist; William Smith, violinist; Ivan Tcherepnin, psaltery and organ player, electronic processor

Five Songs (1979) for voice, flute and digital and tape delay with associated electronics
Apres le Do-Mi
After The Queues (Tales)

Marion Dry, contralto; Jean-Pierre Dautricourt, flutist; Ivan Tcherephin, electronic processor

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