Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Dixieland Story - Matty Matlock



The Dixieland Story
Matty Matlock and The Paducah Patrol
Volume One
Produced by Lou Bush
Cover Photo by Bert Six
Warner Bros. B 1317

From the back cover: Matty Matlock's music is Dixie, the unvarnished variety. It's the authentic and logical growth of music that started out in old New Orleans.

But Matty Matlock's Dixie is neither traditional nor antique. If an album needs a purpose, Matty has one for "The Dixieland Story." He is determined to take the style back from the collectors, purists, and the Library of Congress. To accomplish his mission Matty has backed his own clarinet with an able platoon: Stan Wrightsman, Piano; Nick Fatool, Drums; George Van Eps, Guitar; Morty Corb, Bass; John Best and Shorty Sherock, Trumpets; Moe Schneider and Abe Lincoln, Trombones; and the great sax star, Eddie Miller, on Baritone.

Also from the back cover: The Dixieland Story was originally issued by Warner Bros. Records in 1958 as a two-record, boxed set (2B 1202). In response to numerous requests, it has been re-issued as two individual albums: the same swinging music in brand new packages.

Wolverine Blues
St. James Infirmary
Royal Garden Blues
High Society
Jazz Me Blues
South Rampart Street Parade
Little Rock Getaway
Washboard Blues
Paducah Parade

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