Friday, November 5, 2021

Music A Part Of Me - David McCallum



Music... A Part Of Me
David McCallum
Produced by David Axelrod
Recording Engineer: Joe Polito
Cover Photo: Capitol Photo Studio - George Jerman
Capitol Records ST 2432 

From the back cover: At the time I was born my father was a musician, a violinist – he still is. As I grew up, I was surrounded by music and musician. My parents wanted me to become one too. So they suggested I take violin lessons – like father like son. Then they suggested the violoncello – mother played the violoncello. Then the piano – grandfather taught the piano! Finally I gave in – my choice, much to their surprise, being the oboe and the English horn. I played both these instruments for many years and even studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London. Then I found out that I really wanted to be an actor. I had a choice: the theatre or music. I chose the theatre. Acting is a totally demanding profession and I was soon forced to give up all ideas of a musical career. I sold my oboe and I sold my English horn. As an actor, I needed the money. But the desire to express myself in music never left and I still studied, including harmony, and the theory of music.

In the fall of 1965 I devised an idea for a record album using the combination of instruments used here. It was born out of my past and out of my enjoyment of the music of today. I wanted a sound that could play the current hits and at the same time possibly project something of me – a part of me.

I took the idea to Capitol Records and within ten days we had recorded the first session. My career as an actor had allowed me to return to my first interest in music. Out of sheer loyalty I used the oboe and the English horn – and the playing of Gene Cipirano on the record is exactly as I would have liked to be heard. However this time I was here as composer and conductor.

Eight of the twelve tunes  need no introduction. Of the other four, one was written and arranged by H. B. Barnum. Another by the producer of the album David Axelrod. Two of them are mine. But al of them are very much a part of me. I hope you like it. – David McCallum

January 22, 1966: The popular "Man From U.N.C.L.E.," David McCallum, give his personal instrumental impressions of the hit singles in this well produced and performed album. McCallum conducts the orchestra as they perform such hits as "Turn! Turn! Turn!," "The "In" Crowd" and "Yesterday." A bow to arranger H. B. Barnum and producer David Axelrod. MaCallum's statue as a TV star insures the sales appeal of the LP.

Turn! Turn! Turn!
The "In" Crowd 
A Taste Of Honey
I Can't Get No Satisfaction
We Got Get Out Of This Place
The Far Side Of The Moon
The Sugar Cane

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