Saturday, November 20, 2021

Impressions Of A Patch Of Blue - Walt Dickerson


Alone In The Park - Parts 1 & 2

Impressions Of A Patch Of Blue
Walt Dickerson Quartet
Walt Dickerson Appears Through the Courtesy of Audio Fidelity Records
Cover Design: Any Lehman
Cover Art: Marvin Pastina
MGM Records E-4358

From the back cover: The new film "A Patch Of Blue" is a remarkable motion picture. It stars Sidney Poitier, Elizabeth Hartmen and Shelley Winters and has received highest possible praise in reviews. The film has already acquired the distinction of being rated as one of the most provocative motion pictures of the 1965-66 season and promises to be a serious contender for Academy Award consideration.

"A Patch Of Blue" is a poignant drama that deals with the very real problems of today. The story's plot revolves around the tender and moving relationship between a young blind white girl (played by Elizabeth Hartman), and a socially conscious young Negro (played by Sidney Poitier). The film is touched with thoughtful and eloquent warmth, and the horror and madness of hate. It is a motion picture that fathoms the troubled sea of human misunderstanding and the tranquil beauty of trust and faith between people.

The music for "A Patch Of Blue" was composed  by Jerry Goldsmith. The score is highly dramatic and filled with tension of the conflicts as they unfold in the plot. There are also subtle musical colors and shadings which help to underline and accent the action. The title Theme from 'A Patch Of Blue' is a case in point. The tune has a haunting quality that is sure to rank it among the best dramatic themes of the season. This melody is typical of the memorable music that has been written for this motion picture. Each theme was composed to fit the basic action and emotional feeling of the scene in which it is used or the character it musically helps to portray. It is to Walt Dickerson's credit that he has retained much of the basic emotional quality of the music in fashioning Impressions Of 'A Patch Of Blue."

In adapting the music from the score of A Patch Of Blue, Walt Dickerson held on to the basic mood of each theme while extending and amplifying the motif of each selection. He and the members of his quartet make the most of these explorations by improvising with death and ingenuity on each of the individual melodies.

The Dickerson group includes a highly distinguished and talented quartet of modern musicians. Sun Ra is the pianist and plays some exquisite celeste as well. Drummer Roger Blank plays a firm and fine rhythmic line and adds dramatic impact by playing tympani figures within the context of the impressions. The bassist is Bob Cunningham who adds strength and depth to the section and contributes outstanding solos in addition.

Leader Walt Dickerson is held in the highest regard in musical circles. He has been considered one of the brightest new lights in jazz for the past five or six years. He won the Down Beat "New Star" award in 1962. "Innovator Of The Year" award in 1963 and has received any number of commendations from European publication. He is one of the few new artists on vibes to develop a highly distinctive voice.

Impressions Of A Patch Of Blue is the first album Walt Dickerson has recorded since returning from Europe. The Dickerson European tour lasted one year during which the talented vibes and his group played concerts, radio shows, television and club dates in a variety of countries. Walt's musicianship drew rave reviews from critics in nations all over the Continent.

The producer of this album, Tom Wilson, chose Walt Dickerson for this A Patch Of Blue assignment because he knew Walt's talent and back-ground to be perfectly suited to the difficult task of creating impressions of this highly volatile film score. The Philadelphia-born artist is not only an accomplished player and improvisor, but a conservatory trained composer and arranger as well. He is a graduate of Morgan State College and the Peabody Conservatory.

A Patch Of Blue - Part 1
A Patch Of Blue - Part 2
Bacon And Eggs
High Hopes
Alone In The Park - Part 1
Alone In The Park - Part 3
Selina's Fantasy

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